About Our Programme

Yuva Kendra Voice Workshop


In 2019 Kutumb established the Square One Experimental Theatre in Noida. We are currently working to expand our Qissagadh Active Library head branch in Sector 7, Noida into an Arts Hub. Our Art Hub will serve as a centre for film screenings, arts and craft workshops, storytelling sessions, musical performances and drama engagements as well as an interactive library where our facilitators will use the arts, and drama-in-education, to develop students’ foundational literacy skills and help youth develop into problem-posing critical thinkers.  Additionally, the Art Hub will serve as a centre for performances by drama troupes. Ticketed sales for these performances will help us develop the revenue required for this to become a self-sustaining space. Support provided now will serve as a seed grant to help develop our space into a self-sustaining Arts Hub, where arts led learning underpins all of our programming. You can donate to support our efforts here (link to donate button).

Yuva Kendra Monologue

युवा केंद्र के बच्चो ने किए अपने मोनोलॉग्स परफॉर्म।

Yuva Kendra Monologue

युवा केंद्र के बच्चो ने अपने मोनोलॉग के प्रॉसेस और अनुभवों को शेयर किया।

Yuva Kendra Lights Workshop

युवा केंद्र के बच्चों ने अपनी परफॉरमेंस को लाइट्स के साथ पेश किया और लाइट्स की वर्कशॉप की लर्निंग्स भी शेयर की।

Yuva Kendra Mime

The students were asked to do this activity in pairs. One students mimed an action from their daily routine, and the other student observed and notices each detail. Then the second student copied the action as precisely as possible.

Yuva Kendra Andey ke Chilkey

देखतें है कि अब अंडे के छिलके नाटक में क्या होता है?

Yuva Kendra Mime

युवा केन्द्र के राज और चुमकी ने अपने गुस्से के भाव को पेश किया।
